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miku.media | blog

We porpoise the right to arm bears!

Echoes of Animation & the Melody of Dreams and Reality

In the realm of animated dreams, where tales unfurl,
Engaging stories, like blossoms, twirl.
Yet within their grasp, a tempest brews,
Where wishful thoughts clash with reality's cues.

Through landscapes vast and characters bold,
We wander, their journeys ours to behold.
But beneath the surface, a subtle ache,
As the heart contends with dreams it cannot partake.

Oh, how sweet the taste of fantastical lore,
Yet bitter the truth it can't restore.
In the dance of light and shadow, we find,
A delicate balance of heart and mind.

So let us tread softly, in this realm divine,
Taking breaks when needed, like stars that align.
For within the beauty lies a subtle plea,
To savor the magic, yet set ourselves free.

The fate of a moment that resides at the hands and will of another

The weather becomes more unpredictable as seasons pass and years go by, April arrives and the bitter cold of winter fades; April being the season most abundant of rainy days.

Once you walk out of your home enough times with sudden rain clouds forming up above you, drenching you in nature's shower, you can learn to prepare for the unexpected.

Regardless of predictability, you'll always have the option of walking out the door with an umbrella in hand.

You are also once in a while given the opportunity of walking outdoors, head facing towards the sky, with the thought in mind that water purifies people the way it does for plants in soil.

With busy time schedules, things to do, and places to go, the last option isn't always one you can choose.

Savor the moments you have where water droplets run down your cheeks, and you jump in puddles with the spirit of a child.

Moments in which you find the peace of mind to perceive the inconvenient events as opportunities to cleanse yourself of the troubles that come along with living in a timeline that never stops moving forward.

Rain does not consist of God's tears, but is rather a gift to the life that populates our world, giving them the opportunity to grow.

Rain is not fire, it will not kill you. It is merely a cleanse, formed up in the heavens by nature's will.

You will survive, umbrella or no umbrella, calm minded or in a restless hurry.

This will pass as the rest of the seasons do, make what you will of it.

Divine Light

Night falls as part of our world defies the sun

I seek comfort in the one star that shines brilliantly against the vast void of black that embraces everything beneath

The sun will rise and fall, clouds will drift, birds will fly with the freedom I have longed for desperately since my conception

Beside it all, I sit observing life grow around me throughout the linear timeline that guides all to different places, people, ends and beginnings, unfamiliar but admirable

I've sat here for decades, growing alongside old oak trees, counting my years the way you count the rings on wood Flower buds blossoming in my mind the way they blossom seasonally on branches

I've come to understand,

My purpose is clear, when the sun sets once more and the innocent fear the night, I will guide their gaze towards the star that in the most uncertain of moments, always provided me light

The ferry over the water

The sound of steps, the ringing of coins passed
On the ship deck he took stand in front of the railing, directly opposite to the cold, uncaring mirror
In a manner of weary determination only dead men do know
In silent passing hhe just had to wait
For it to present itself
The deranged things he would do after his own work betrayed him one last time
And the moment came when the ship, on its' waxing course to the other side, arrived on the
deepest, blackest pit in water he himself could ask to find
He just needed to lean over slightly and reach with his hands into the water
And all tthe cruel torture would stop and he'd finally be left alone
But in the foul silence insecurity boiled up again
A million thoughts appeared in utter chaos and coalesced into one, silence
And following it a deep look into the deeper black, a long, inspecting stare
In the pitch black arms grasping in fear for anything they could hatch on
To escape the pitch black
It made him realize if he jumped
He would never be left alone again
It made him freeze
A while later, the boat reached the other shore
The travellers all slowly left the belly of this boat
And he, he had missed his destination.

sweet uncertainty and the antidote for her tainted soul

I fell in love with myself and the patterns of nature became vivid and clear as day, I became strong enough to wake up again. Shadows will no longer dwell in my spirit.

The shadows that were once one with my body now trail behind me as I face the sun. The warmth of stars bring me comfort, cradling me, not as an infant, but as one of their own